How Long Does It Take to Smoke Beef Jerky on a Gas Grill

posted March 03, 2021

Basis Beef Jerky Recipe

This ground beefiness jerky recipe is that perfect jerky when you want a classic beefiness hasty flavour with a soft texture. Classic ingredients come together for the perfect hasty when you lot accept a hankering for some BBQ on the go.

Strips of ground beef jerky in a glass mason jar on a colorful kitchen towel. Text overlay reads: Ground Beef Jerky.

Basis Beefiness Jerky

This beef jerky is the perfect ground beef jerky. It has the most amazing, soft texture, making it a perfect alternative if you like your jerky a chip softer than the archetype whole muscle jerky. This jerky has a classic, "original" hasty flavor with a hint of sugariness, a hint of spice, and neat savory flavor.

While this recipe is written for extremely lean ground beefiness, information technology works not bad with other ground meats similar venison, elk, pork, and turkey. Merely make sure the footing meat your using is lean. If the meat is too fatty, it will likely crumble apart instead of binding together.

Ingredients for ground beef jerky in a metal mixing bowl.

Dehydrating Ground Beef Jerky

This ground beef jerky recipe is written for dehydrating in a smoker for approximately 3 hours until the jerky is dry and bends without breaking.

This jerky likewise works in a dehydrator or oven, if you don't have a smoker. If making in a dehydrator – make sure to follow the manufacturer'south instructions as each dehydrator is a bit dissimilar. Yous may want to add ane teaspoon of liquid smoke if you cook in a dehydrator.

Yous tin likewise dehydrate this hasty in an oven. To make in an oven – follow the instructions as written, only leave the door of your oven open slightly to allow whatsoever wet to escape. This is important and crucial for the jerky to dry properly.

Strips on ground beef jerky on a jerky rack next to a jerky gun.

How to Make Ground Beef Jerky

This footing beef hasty recipe is adequately easy, only you will find it varies slightly from the traditional way of making almost beefiness hasty. Scroll below to view the printable recipe carte du jour for full ingredient amounts and more detailed instructions.

  1. Flavour the jerky. Dissimilar other hasty recipes that require you to marinate the sliced beefiness earlier dehydrating, this recipe has you lot combine all the flavor in with the beef hasty. Combine everything in a mixing bowl and use your hands to evenly distribute all ingredients.
  2. Form the jerky into sticks. Here's where the fun part comes in! Once you have your beefiness seasoned, you gotta course that meat into a nice stick so information technology'll hold its shape while cooking. I recommend using a jerky cannon for this step to make nice round or stick-shaped jerky. Y'all tin besides practise this by manus, only information technology volition take a bit more than patience and fourth dimension.
  3. Melt the basis beefiness jerky. With your favorite smoker preheated to 160-170 degrees F, place the formed sticks on jerky racks and smoke for around 2.v-3 hours or until the jerky reaches 165 degrees F and the hasty bends without breaking.
  4. Cool and enjoy. Make sure to allow the jerky to absurd fully while still on the hasty racks before eating.

Important Note: This recipe does not use any curing salts. It needs to be stored in the fridge and consumed within 1 week.

Once slice of ground beef jerky being folded in half with a rack of ground beef jerky strips in the background.

How Long to Dehydrate Basis Beef Hasty

This ground beef jerky is dehydrated in a smoker, and the total time to fully cook and dry out the meat volition accept approximately 2.v-3 hours. I recommend you programme for additional time in case your smoker'due south temps are not consistent or if your jerky requires more time to fully dehydrate.

Fourth dimension may vary slightly from smoker to smoker, so make certain to go off final temp (goal of 165 degrees F for ground meat), texture (the meat should bend without breaking or falling apart), and the jerky should be a rich blood-red in color.

Four strips of ground beef jerky stacked on a plaid kitchen towel next to a mason jar full of ground beef jerky strips.

More Jerky Recipes

Looking for that perfect BBQ snack to take with you anywhere? Jerky to the rescue! Hey Grill Hey LOVES jerky, and we have these awesome recipes to testify it. Check them out today!

  • Teriyaki Beef Jerky
  • Brindled Beefiness Jerky
  • Dr. Pepper Jalapeno Beefiness Hasty

Ground Beefiness Jerky Recipe

Strips of ground beef jerky in a glass mason jar.

Ground Beef Hasty

This basis beef jerky recipe is that perfect jerky when you want a archetype beefiness jerky flavor with a soft texture.

Prep Fourth dimension : 45 mins

Cook Time : 3 hrs

Full Time : 3 hrs 45 mins

Servings : 8 people

Calories : 180 kcal

  • 2 pounds lean ground beef (97/3)
  • 2 Tablespoons low-cal brownish sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 teaspoons kosher table salt
  • 2 teaspoons footing blackness pepper
  • ii teaspoons garlic powder
  • ii teaspoons onion pulverisation
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon cherry pepper flakes (optional)
  • Preheat the smoker. Preheat your smoker to 160-170 degrees F using your favorite hardwood. Potent woods like hickory or oak volition give yous a robust smoke flavor, mild woods like apple tree or maple volition be more subtle.

  • Make the footing beef mixture. Place the ground beef in a large bowl. Add all remaining ingredients and combine with hands to distribute the seasonings evenly through the meat.

  • Form the jerky sticks. Fill a jerky cannon and extrude the jerky onto flat racks at your desired length. Be certain the hasty isn't overlapping or touching other pieces. If you lot don't have a cannon, place the seasoned beefiness between 2 sheets of parchment paper. Whorl the meat to an even i/8th inch thickness using a rolling pin. Cut the flattened beefiness into strips using a abrupt pocketknife or pizza cutter. Remove the top sail of parchment, place your flat rack on peak of the meat, and carefully flip the whole matter over. Remove the remaining canvas of parchment paper and gently separate the hasty strips on the rack.

  • Dehydrate the basis beef hasty. Identify the jerky topped flat racks on the grill grates, close the hat, and smoke for 2.5-iii hours total. The jerky will have shrunk in size, picked up a dark red colour, and bend without breaking when information technology is finished. If you have an instant read thermometer, you lot can cheque to make sure the strips accept cooked higher up 165 degrees F.

  • Cool, store, and bask! Allow your hasty strips to cool completely on the rack before transferring to a aught top bag. This jerky will last for 2 weeks in the fridge.

Calories: 180 kcal | Carbohydrates: half-dozen g | Protein: 25 k | Fat: half-dozen g | Saturated Fat: iii g | Trans Fat: 1 thou | Cholesterol: lxx mg | Sodium: 955 mg | Potassium: 469 mg | Cobweb: one chiliad | Sugar: three g | Vitamin A: 80 IU | Vitamin C: 1 mg | Calcium: 26 mg | Iron: 3 mg

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