Beef Jerky Allowed Through Customs in America

If Iceland is at the top of your list of dream destinations, you'll want to know these 27 things Republic of iceland is known and famous for before yous go.

Republic of iceland is famous for existence chosen the Land of Fire and Ice because of its volcanoes and glaciers. It is dotted with natural wonders such as The Blue Lagoon and Dettifoss Waterfall. Iceland is also known for its rich cultural history, Norse mythology, folklore, and having no official family names!

iceland flag

Simply that's barely scratching the surface. Let'due south dive into this mysterious land to find out more!

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ane. The Icelandic flag

iceland flag snow

Iceland is famous for its flag – and information technology'southward had many flags over its turbulent history. Iceland's current flag came years after a struggle for independence from their Nordic forefathers.

There'southward evidence that the starting time people to live in Iceland were Gaelic Celts from Ireland, simply they didn't stick effectually long. In 874 Advert, Norwegian vikings left their native lands because of ceremonious war and the Irish monks were ousted or taken on as slaves.

Presently, Iceland was made part of a commonwealth and ruled by Denmark, Sweden and Norway at different points before gaining their true independence 17 June 1944.

The flag in employ today was designed by Matthías Þórðarson. He stated that the ruby should symbolize the lava and burn down of Republic of iceland'due south thermal geography, white for the snow and blue for the Atlantic bounding main.

2. Peace

black sand beach

Even with fearsome viking ancestors, it's possible to become a peace-loving nation. Iceland is known for being one of the most peaceful countries in the world.

Iceland has no official army or Ministry of Defense and even the police force isn't armed with weapons. The last war that Iceland was officially involved in was the Republic of iraq war of 2003 – where they contributed two Icelandic troops.

As you lot'll discover out later, Icelanders prefer to deal with conflicts through discussion, peaceful protests and deliberation.

If you do manage to anger one, however, they may give you an ominous threat for revenge: "Ég mun finna þig í fjöru" or "I'll observe you at the beach". Yikes!

3. Reykjavík

Reykjavik swan

Dwelling is where the centre is, and Iceland'south master hub is its majuscule, Reykjavík. Home to over 60% of the Icelandic population, it's only every bit popular with locals as tourists.

Located in the south-west of Iceland, the name Reykjavík translated means Smoky-bay. Information technology's believed to be the showtime settlement of anywhere in Iceland, and has a reputation for being ane of the greenest, cleanest and safest cities in the world.

You'll notice a lack of greenery around Iceland. Reverse to popular conventionalities, trees can grow there – the vikings just chopped about of them down. Reykjavík has made potent efforts to increase its greenery, despite being ane of the cloudiest capital letter cities with some of the coolest temperatures.

Lastly, call up at that place are no trains at all in Republic of iceland and so don't go looking for a subway or inter-country train line in Reykjavík!

4. Alþingi

Þingvellir National Park
Þingvellir National Park, the original site of the Alþingi

Even though Iceland is actually ane of the youngest landmasses in the globe at 25 million-years-old, it'south got some real history to its name.

Republic of iceland is famous for having the oldest running parliament in the earth, chosen Alþingi, or Althing. Information technology shows the softer side of the viking people, considering they created it in 930 Advertizing to avoid civil disputes.

The Alþingi didn't take a leader, but a so-called police-speaker to read out rules. The most famous constabulary-speaker was Snorri Sturlusson, but nosotros'll talk more nearly him adjacent. Blood feuds were solved diplomatically – or at least, by the standards of the time. Even viking women in Republic of iceland were granted divorces and state rights which was highly unusual for the era.

The original site of the Alþingi is in Þingvellir National Park, the only UNESCO globe heritage site in Iceland. The current Icelandic parliament is located in downtown Reykjavík and operates under the same proper noun as the original Alþingi.

5. Vikings & The Prose Edda

viking settlement

Almost all of what we know about viking beliefs and Norse mythology comes from Snorri Sturlusson's poesy anthology, The Prose Edda.

Iceland is known for its connections to viking history, and Snorri's poems are still analyzed by historians and writers today. Without Snorri, we wouldn't know about Loki's drunken tricks or Odin's quest to steal the mead of poets. If those aren't familiar to yous, Chris Hemsworth might never have played Thor!

There are 7 of Snorri's manuscripts remaining intact today. The nigh consummate version is held in the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies in Reykjavík.

All Icelanders are well-versed in Snorri's stories – and if you want to be too, read Neil Gaiman'south book Norse Mythology. Kári Gíslason and Robert Fidler'southward book Saga Country tells the real-life story of one of Snorri's half-Australian descendants who goes on a quest to Iceland to detect his roots. I highly recommend both!

6. Goðafoss


With a landscape similar Iceland's, you'd need Norse deities to explain the beauty and variety of natural phenomena that exists there. At least, Icelanders did until Christianity came along.

Iceland is famous for being the concluding Nordic country to stop worshipping Norse gods, and at Goðafoss, the Waterfall of the Gods, you can come across the concluding resting place of Icelandic viking pagan beliefs.

Goðafoss is i of Iceland's virtually significant historical landmarks and is nothing brusk of spectacular. Legend has it that chieftain Þorgeir threw his statues of the Viking gods into the cascading water to marker the beginning of Christianity in Iceland.

Located in the north of Republic of iceland, Goðafoss is located close to other sightseeing splendors like Dettifoss, Mývatn lake and the town of Húsavík.

7. Dettifoss

detifloss waterfall

Close past to Goðafoss is Europe'due south most powerful waterfall, Dettifoss. Iceland is known for its beautiful scenery, and at Dettifoss you can come across how compelling it really is.

The water that flows into Dettifoss is from the glacial river Jökulsá á Fjollum. If yous follow the river to its origin, you'll find Europe's largest glacier, Vatnajökull. Dettifoss is 45 meters (147 anxiety) high and because of the enormous volume of water that passes through it, it's one of the noisiest places in Iceland.

Take hold of Dettifoss early in the forenoon to bank check out the inky rings around the edge of the waterfall. It's just melting ice, but they wait spectacular!

8. Icelandic Horses

icelandic horses

Iceland is known for its strict protection of their national treasures, Icelandic Horses. Distinctive looking and incredibly friendly, the Icelandic Horse has been part of Republic of iceland'south history since the first.

In 980 Advertizing, the Alþingi passed laws that prohibited any importation of other horse breeds. The Icelandic Horses arrived in Iceland with the Norwegian vikings and they've stayed ever since.

In the over thousand years that have passed, the Icelandic Equus caballus is still the only horse breed immune in Iceland. Some are exported to other countries but once information technology'southward gone, information technology'south never allowed dorsum.

Horses in Norse mythology were especially significant. Odin, male parent of the Norse gods, had an viii-legged equus caballus chosen Sleipnir. According to legend, the Ásbyrgi canyon near Goðafoss was shaped past Sleipnir when one of his hooves slammed into the ground.

ix. Álfhól

iceland small houses

It's non only Norse gods who indulge in mischief and commotion in Iceland.

Iceland is famous for its folklore, frequently centered effectually elves and trolls. There are various statistics showing how many Icelanders actually believe in them, merely i thing'south for sure. They're very hesitant to rule out their existence entirely – a whole eighty%, evidently.

Dotted around yards and fifty-fifty next to highways, you'll observe tiny replicas of houses and churches built past Icelanders for the local trolls, called Hidden People in Icelandic: "huldufólk".

Called Álfhól, these tiny dwellings give the mischievous creatures somewhere to alive, and hopefully, keep them happy. A great mode to spend time in Iceland is to go on an Álfhól hunt, and see how many you lot tin discover!

10. Jólasveinar

christmas tree santa

Don't look out for Santa if y'all spend Christmas in Iceland. Republic of iceland is famous for not having a Santa Claus, but rather 13 "jólasveinar" or "Christmas lads". The "lads" are depicted as ugly little men who live in the lava fields of Dimmuborgir and come up to visit children at Christmas time while they are sleeping.

Let me introduce you to a few: Doorway-Sniffer, Bowl-Licker, Candle-Stealer and Sausage-Swiper. Sound friendly? No, these fiddling creeps are all-knowing and sometimes ruthless. All thirteen of the Christmas Lads take different personalities, which are hinted at in their names.

In the 13 days leading upward to Christmas, Icelandic children put a shoe in their bedroom window. When morning comes, they'll know exactly who visited and how well they behaved the previous day.

For instance, if Sausage-Swiper swung past, the sausages in the house may have vanished. If the kid behaved nicely, they might find candy in their shoe. If not, they can add a rotten white potato to their Christmas gift drove.

eleven. Jólabókaflóð

christmas gifts

If the idea of Christmas Lads sneaking up on yous in the night gives you the creeps, you'll be happy to know that one of Iceland's festive customs is much more than wholesome. Especially if you're a book lover similar me!

Iceland is famous for the tradition called Jólabókaflóð, or, "Christmas-volume-flood". On Christmas Eve, Icelandic families commutation gifts of books and cozy up to read them in the evening.

The tradition took off during World War Ii when foreign imports were restricted but paper remained cheap and easy to get concur of.

12. Volcanoes

volcanic eruption

Iceland is famous for having agile 130 volcanoes, some agile, others inactive. There'due south also a further 30 volcanoes underneath the island'southward surface. Many of us think the anarchy caused by Eyjafjallajökull'southward eruption in 2010, but Icelanders are used to them past now.

Some of the other major volcanoes in Republic of iceland are chosen Katla, Askja and Krafla. The about contempo eruption was in 2014, and that fourth dimension information technology was the volcano Holuhraun, located in the center of Iceland.

Most Icelandic towns and cities are congenital far abroad from the volcanoes to avert damage from glacial floods or ash, and so the south-declension of Iceland is pretty barren when it comes to villages. Tourists are often keen to get a glimpse and photos of them, but stay up-to-date with local news to do it safely!

13. The Blue Lagoon

blue lagoon

If you lot've been dreaming of bathing in Iceland you're not alone. Republic of iceland is known for its many naturally occurring hot springs, and National Geographic named the well-nigh famous ane, the Blue Lagoon, as one of the 25 Wonders of the World.

The Blue Lagoon is one of the near visited attractions in Republic of iceland, and it's hard not to be enchanted by the milky blue waters in the heart of a blackness lava field. The water sits at a comfortable 38-39 °C (100 °F) and then information technology'south perfect for a soak. The water is naturally heated and derived, only the shape of the pool was really a human being-made accident in 1976.

In that location's no chlorine or chemicals in the water, so subject to requirement for entry is an extended shower. There are even diagrams showing you which bits to target and how to, er, wash them properly (!).

It might be the most expensive dip you ever have, only on inflow, you get a towel, mud mask and drink included in the toll.

14. All-time at being "best"

coca cola

When yous accept such a tiny population, it'due south easy to become the all-time at…well, everything. Iceland is famous for beingness the "best" at many things per capita. The less people there are in a country, the more likely they are to exist adept at doing stuff.

Icelanders drink the virtually Coca Cola, read the most books, and produce the almost music per capita. They've even got the most Nobel Prize Winners – with the grand full of one winner.

Not just that, but 1 in x Icelanders volition publish a book, more than anywhere else on the planet.

fifteen. Islendiga App

couple polaroid

It's all very well being the best at everything, but when yous have a small population, there'south an increased chance of awkwardness. Iceland is famous for being obsessed with genealogy, and that tin can be pretty important in Iceland'south dating scene.

The Íslendingabók is an online database of Icelandic genealogy that makes it possible for all Icelanders to trace their family tree back 1200 years. When a competition arose to find the virtually artistic way of using the Íslendingabók, 3 students of the University of Republic of iceland stepped in to save the day – or more accurately, embarrassment.

It would be mortifying to detect that whoever you've locked eyes with beyond a room is actually a distant cousin. The Islendiga app allows Icelanders to "bump" their phones to check for family ties before couples commutation numbers.

Don't worry, it's mostly an Icelandic in-joke. Incest is not rife in Iceland despite the small population. Over recent years, Iceland's census has grown due to immigration, particularly from Poland.

Still, better rubber than sorry!

16. Beer prohibition

glasses beer

If you lot visited Republic of iceland between 1915 and 1989 you lot'd have been in for a slight shock – especially if y'all beloved beer. For 75 years, Iceland had a beer prohibition in place.

Iceland is known for celebrating being allowed to drinkable beer on 1 March, called Bjórdagurinn in Icelandic, after beer prohibition was repealed on that mean solar day in 1989. Upwardly until and then, you could buy any other alcohol – spirits, wine, etc – but absolutely not beer.

Today, beer parties spring upward every twelvemonth on one March to do the legal correct to drinkable beer!

Be warned, though. Just because beer's dorsum, it doesn't mean it'south easy to obtain alcohol in Iceland. Firstly, you've got to be twenty or over. Secondly, it's merely sold in authorities-owned stores chosen Vínbúðin.

17. Kids with curfews

boots child ice

Iceland is famous for its holistic arroyo to tackling underage drinking and drug-taking. At the showtime of the 1990s, Icelandic teenagers were some of the worst binge-drinkers in Europe.

In response, the government created a project called Youth-in-Iceland. They installed curfews, bundled alternative activities for the kids and parents went on patrol.  Kids younger than 12 are still non immune out in public unaccompanied by their parents after 8pm, and xiii-xvi year-olds have until 10pm.

A authorities initiative offers parents up to 500 USD to cover sports, arts, and music programs to involve their children in learning new hobbies to dissuade them from getting involved in party civilisation. And miraculously, it worked. Only 5% of Icelandic teenagers got drunkard in 2016, compared to 42% in the 1990s.

18. Parenting manner

cute baby

Iceland is known for having some quirky differences when it comes to parenting. Did that Icelander really call a baby "such a butthole"? Practise babies really nap in freezing temperatures?

The answer to both of these questions is a solid yep.

If you want to comment on how adorable an Icelandic baby is, tell its parents that it's an "algjört rassgat", or "such a butthole". They'll be stoked that you lot think and then. It'southward a term of endearment that patently comes from the size of… I can't explain this one. Just know information technology'due south true!

Because Iceland is so safety, parents go out their babies outside shops, cafes and their homes to slumber in fresh air. They're swell parents for doing information technology, either. These days, it'southward more common to run across napping babies outdoors in the summer, just that's not proverb much. The average summer temperature in Iceland is 10–13 °C (l–55 °F).

nineteen. Pet laws

reykjavik cat

You might call up that in a country as large as Iceland with so few people, there'd be a lot of freedom. That's mostly true, but Iceland is famous for having some actually baffling pet laws.

Bad news if you're a dog person. In 1924, Reykjavík prohibited having a pet dog after a spike in echinococcosis cases. The tapeworm tin be spread from dogs to humans and has a 75% mortality rate if contracted, though information technology'south preventable today. Y'all can happily have a dog these days as long as it's vaccinated and certified salubrious.

The ban led to a massive increment in the number of pet cats. Fifty-fifty today, Reykjavík proudly sells merchandise proclaiming themselves "a cat uppercase".

The hugely popular Facebook group Cats of Reykjavík showcases just how many felines prowl the majuscule's streets. That's not all, though. Information technology'due south as well still against the constabulary to have a pet turtle, snake or lizard in Republic of iceland.

20. Icelandic names

boy winter wear

Republic of iceland is famous for having a complicated system when it comes to names. If you want to find an Icelandic friend's name in the phone book, await for their first proper noun. It'south the only way.

There's an old superstition in Iceland almost choosing the beginning names of unborn children. Whoever the mother dreams about while pregnant, particularly if that person is no longer alive, should be whom she names her child afterward. Most Icelandic names take meanings, and some fifty-fifty believe names have hidden powers.

And that'due south merely first names. Last names are even more complicated because Icelanders don't actually have ane.

A simple formula for understanding their system is the "family proper name" will exist the father'south first name, with son or daughter fastened to information technology. If the male parent is called Ragnar, his son would exist Ragnarsson, literally Ragnar's-son. Simply the begetter would have the surname "Thorsson" if his father was chosen Thor.

No 1 changes their family name when they become married in Iceland, so I guess that makes things a lilliputian easier. Kind of.

21. Women's rights

girls road trip

Iceland is famous for being the offset country in the world to democratically elect a female president, Vigdis Finnbogadóttir, in 1980.

She was so pop that Iceland kept her every bit president for xvi years – the longest term of any female person leader in the earth.

Iceland has been named Almost Gender Equal Land 9 times in total, and Republic of iceland has the near gender-equal parliament in the globe without a quota system.

22. Questionable delicacies

puffin iceland

At that place'south a lot to love about Republic of iceland, but the food state of affairs is, to put it mildly, questionable. Iceland is famous for having some very unique ideas about what makes a culinary please. Fermented shark or puffin eye, anyone?

Hákarl is the proper name given to fermented shark, a traditional Icelandic dish. Most Icelanders agree that this dish is foul – so it's mostly a funny joke to them that only tourists consume information technology these days.

The shark is cleaned, beheaded, and buried in soil for 6-12 weeks. When it's taken out of the earth, it'southward dried for a few months. Then it ends up on the end of a fork approaching a tourist pinching their nose. Why? Information technology smells absolutely terrible.

If that's not daring enough for you lot, some older Icelanders still swallow raw puffin hearts. Plainly, it tastes a bit similar beef hasty. I'll have their word for it.

23. The Icelandic language

islandic signs

Iceland is famous for its linguistic communication, and it really is quite unique. Icelandic is a North Germanic language that comes from Old Norse. Being so isolated from the residual of the Nordic countries, Iceland'due south language has barely changed since settlers arrived at that place.

In fact, most modernistic Icelanders have no problem reading Snorri's Prose Edda even though information technology's 700 years one-time. You can't say the same for almost other European languages, specially today – nosotros borrow words from each other all the time.

The Icelandic language even has its own day of celebration, 16 November. In 1996, information technology was decided that Icelanders should celebrate the longevity of their language and its uniqueness.

If you desire to learn Icelandic, y'all'll demand to be dedicated. Conjugating, pronunciation – oh, and there are 13 vowels in Icelandic. Be warned that at that place is no c, q, w or z in the Icelandic alphabet.

24. Sports

boxing gloves

When nosotros think of sports-loving nations, Republic of iceland sometimes gets left behind. However, Iceland is famous for its sporting achievements and athletes as much equally anywhere else!

Iceland gained considerable attending after its success in the 2018 Soccer World Cup. It was the outset fourth dimension they ever qualified, making them the country with the smallest population to exercise so.

The iconic "thunder-clap" and "skol" dirge is still talked about among soccer fans. Despite rumors, it's non a viking war-weep. It actually means "cheers" in Icelandic.

Battle was made illegal in Iceland afterwards residents complained that the sport showed an increment in violent crimes. Martial arts in Iceland are therefore enormously popular, especially Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), sometimes chosen cage-fighting.

1 of the all-fourth dimension MMA champions, Gunnar Nelson, is an Icelander from Reykjavík with 17 wins and five losses to his name.

25. Protesting

iceland protests
Photo Credit: Helgi Halldórsson

When Icelanders don't like something, they find a way of making information technology known. Iceland is famous for getting creative with peaceful protests, from making a lot of noise to silently walking away.

From 2009-2011, a peaceful revolution took place in Iceland. To force the then prime number minister and his cabinet to resign, citizens headed to their kitchens. Non to cook – but to collect their frying and saucepans. Icelanders bashed them together outside of parliament and presumably the noise was so unbearable information technology couldn't be ignored any longer. The people won!

In 2016, Icelandic women realized they were paid 14-18% less than their male person colleagues. What did they practise? Well, at exactly ii.38pm, the minute they started working "for complimentary", women left their desks and went to Austurvollur square in Reykjavík.

26. "Evil-smelling" shower water


If you put the hot tap on in Iceland and feel like y'all odor worse for it, don't worry. Iceland is famous for having exceptionally clean h2o, but information technology doesn't ever pass the sniff exam. Living on a volcanic island might not exist all it's cracked upward to be.

The cold tap water in Iceland has natural filters so no chlorine, calcium or other chemicals need to be added. The lava and rocks do information technology for yous! Iceland's make clean drinking water means you lot'll save money by not having to get out and purchase bottled water.

The hot tap is another story. If it smells slightly eggy, it'southward because of the magma and sulfur dioxide flowing beneath the surface of the h2o mains. People pay skillful coin to get to spas with sulfuric water – call up of your shower equally a spa experience. Albeit a bit of a evil-smelling 1.

27. Blackness sand beaches

iceland black beach

You wouldn't expect Republic of iceland to be famous for its beaches, merely these are unlike nearly whatever other in the globe.

Some Icelandic beaches have black sand which look a bit like they vest to another planet. This rare miracle is almost unique to Iceland because of the minerals left by erupted volcanoes. It's thanks to lava fragments, ash and other minerals that you become to see this natural wonder up close – though it tin can be dangerous.

The most famous black sand beach, Reynisfjara, is most 180 kilometers (112 miles) from Reykjavík. At the finish of the Snæfellsnes peninsula, you lot can visit Black Lava Pearl Beach, famous for its hiking path called Nautastígur in Icelandic, "the path of the bull".

blue lagoon iceland

Take you been to Iceland or e'er wanted to go? Tell us your favorite thing about Iceland in the comments or requite united states of america tips on where else to go!

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