The Snip Could Not Be Send Check That an Email Program Is Installed and Then Try Again

Set: The snip could not be sent on Windows 10/11

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and driver troubleshooting. When he'due south not tackling... Read more

The snip could not be sent error


The Sniping Tool is a bang-up way to take a quick screenshot of what is there on your screen, crop out the irrelevant portions and relieve the image. You can then share information technology with others or proceed information technology in your own tape.

Unfortunately, things aren't free-flowing with the Send Snip Tool and a common fault you are likely to go is that the snip could not be sent. This commonly happens if your computer does not have MAPI-compliant mail client installed. In other words, you should take an email client software similar Microsoft Office Outlook, Mailbird, or Mozilla Thunderbird installed on your device.

That apart, setting things correct here is quite easy and can be accomplished in no fourth dimension.

Fixing the snip could not be sent error

1. Repair Outlook Express

  1. Open the Run dialog box. You can do this but by typing Run in the Cortana search box and selecting from the search result.
  2. In the Run dialog box, type regedit and press Enter.
  3. In the Registry Editor window, locate the subkeyHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareClientsMailMicrosoft Outlook
  4. Select the subkey and press Delete.
  5. Click on Yep on any confirmatory box that appears.
  6. Shut Registry Editor.
  7. Side by side launch Control Panel. Again, just typing Control Console in the Cortana search box will do.
  8. In Control Console, click on Programs > Programs and Features.
  9. Click on the Microsoft Part program and hitting the Repair button that appears at the microsoft office
  10. The subkey will be recreated.
  11. This should assist bargain with the snip could not exist sent mistake.

Note: It is strongly recommended to create a fill-in of your registry before making any changes in information technology. In the Registry editor window, click on File > Consign to create a back up.

two. Set default mail client in Registry

  1. Launch Registry Editor as before.
  2. Go to the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClientsMail
  3. In the panel on the right, bank check if the data for Default is set as Microsoft Outlook (or the e-mail client installed on your device)
  4. If it's something else, double click on Default and prepare the field accordingly.
  5. Besides, aggrandize the Mail fundamental and cheque if Microsoft Outlook (or the postal service customer you have) is installed.Setting the default mail client in registry can help fix the snip could not be sent error
  6. If that isn't the case, shut Registry Editor and proceed to either repair or reinstall Outlook Express or whatever mail customer you wish to have.
  7. Notwithstanding, if the Outlook Express key is present under Post, select the same and cheque the MSIComponentID value on the correct panel.
  8. The right GUID should be {6DB1921F-8B40-4406-A18B-E906DBEEF0C9}. (This applies to Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016.)
  9. Double click on MSIComponentID and set up the right value if that isn't already the case.
  • USEFUL TIP: 5 best time tracking tools with screenshots to heave your results

iii. Cheque MSI Components Registry Permissions

  1. In the Registry Editor window, go to the following branchHKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInstallerComponentsF1291BD604B860441AB89E60BDEE0F9C
  2. Right click on the central and select Backdrop.
  3. In the Properties window, select the Security
  4. Check if Users group is present.
  5. If it is, ensure the Users group has Read permission for the cardinal.
  6. All the same, if Users group is not present, click on Add together, blazon Users and printing Enter.
  7. Close Registry Editor.

4. Repair Msmapi32.dll file

Repair Msmapi32.dll file to fix the snip could not be sent error

  1. Close Outlook Limited if it's open.
  2. Launch File Explorer and click on This PC from the options on the left.
  3. Open the C: binder and navigate to Programme Files (x86) > Mutual Files > System > MSMAPI > 1033.
  4. Delete the file dll.
  5. Re-launch Outlook Limited. This will recreate the DLL file and hopefully, should likewise set the error as well.
  6. You are as well recommended to update Windows to the latest build available.

This should be all you need to practise to go rid of the snip could non be sent error.

Further, here are some related topics to browse.

  • How to accept and save screenshots on Windows 10 [STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE]
  • The best tools to upload your screenshots online


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